Summing 16:2 line ins STUDER 189 MK II as supplied x 2 copies

Summing 16:2 line ins STUDER 189 MK II as supplied x 2 copies


This listing is for the opportunity to get a dream STUDER 189 MK II console to sum your tracks to a stereo file.

What is summing ? - Take a number of individual tracks, i.e. kick, snare, stereo L & R Pad, bass, vocal etc and 'sum' them together into 1 stereo file. This can include any effect tracks ( reverb / delays etc ) that you wish to be part of the summed result. It can even be a full mix. Basically if you are grouping together in your DAW, have this as a replacement or to blend, or use for parallel compression.This service allows you to send to me 16 individual tracks/stems at the volumes they are set and have the transformers and separation of the STUDER make some subtle magic for you. This is not night and day results, but will give a sheen, glue, sizzle, punch and width, as well as a bit of STUDER musical harmonic distortion.

I will use the console, as there is bags of headroom, and you will get back 2 stereo files as separate wav. One as is, clean using you pan, no eq., the other I will push to saturate more alter using the studier EQ and Compression. Ideal to blend to the original, or replace.

Please click to purchase and I'll send to you where to send your tracks to: 'Google' Drive. I'll sum them and return to you the stereo files.

You are not buying the console just renting the use for 0.1% of the value of an actual console in great serviced condition.

Please note - IMPORTANT - ALL tracks/stems supplied by you need to be the full length of song/music so that everything lines up in timeline.

Please note if one of your tracks is mono please send pan position L/R etc = 1 track

Please note if your stereo file is panned different to above please provide panned position = 2 tracks

Please note if your stereo track is two separate L & R tracks, this also = 2 tracks

16 channels in total at a time please.

Ideal for drum mixes, synths, anything with or without your effects on already...even your complete mix, instead of summing in the box, get this version to compare and/ or blend...

Useful for anyone creating tracks at home 'in the box' and want to add some analog glue and Class A transformer musical distortion, or any studio that wants a different flavour. Most people know STUDER quality, but these are so rare, you'll not find them in many studios.

This console is right up there in quality with NEVE, API and SSL. It's a handmade Swiss masterpiece, please do your homework to find out more, but any questions are welcome.

Depending on demand I will advise when I can complete and return your files....Usually with 72 hrs

Thank you

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